October 16, 2023

Staying safe: the security benefits of mobile payments

Staying safe: the security benefits of mobile payments


The ever-increasing dominance of social connectivity and smartphones has revolutionised the fulfilment of financial transactions. Both large and small business owners are needing to adapt for a tech-savvy customer audience. Yet with the increasing dependency for online payments is the simultaneous increasing fear of fraud or security breaches.

Thankfully, the evolution of technology has introduced significant advancements in mobile payment security, ensuring that our financial information is well-protected.

Let’s explore how card payments apps offer high-end security measures.

  1. Encrypted Data
  2. Tokenized Information
  3. Biometric Authentication
  4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

1. Encryption: shielding your data from prying eyes

Encryption is a crucial security feature in mobile payments that shields your sensitive data from unauthorised access. When you make a mobile payment, the system translates your data into an unreadable format. This ensures that, even if intercepted by a security threat, the data remains unreadable.

Sophisticated encryption algorithms, like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), protect the communication between your device and the payment gateway. Additionally, your device stores the data and encrypts it, adding an extra layer of security.

2. Tokenization: replacing vulnerable data with tokens

Tokenization is another powerful security function for mobile payments. When you make a payment, the system replaces the actual financial data with a unique 'token' - a randomly generated string of characters. This token acts as a secret carrier for your sensitive information, making it useless to hackers.

People use tokens for transactions. The payment service provider securely stores your sensitive data in a token vault. Tokens are single-use and have no direct value. This means that they provide a robust defence against fraud and significantly reduce the risk of data breaches.

3. Biometric authentication: your unique identity as a key

Your biometric features, such as fingerprint, facial recognition, or iris scan, are unique to you - unlike passwords or PIN codes. Mobile payments increasingly use biometric authentication to ensure that only the authorised user can complete a payment.

Your device stores biometric data locally. By not sharing this data to external servers,  you are less vulnerable to data breaches. Plus, using Face ID or similar offers quick access for the user without the security compromise.

4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): an added safety net

MFA combines multiple layers of security to ensure that only legitimate users can access their payment accounts. MFA typically involves a combination of something you know (e.g., PIN or password), something you have (e.g., your mobile device), and something you are (e.g., biometric data).


By combining these various methods of security, MFA offers an enhanced safety net against unauthorised access and fraudulent transactions. If one security method is compromised, the other layers of security stay intact.

Since their introduction, mobile payments have come a long way, enabling you to make secure card payments wherever you are. Encryption, tokenization, biometric authentication, and MFA work in tandem to protect your financial information, ensuring that all transactions remain private and secure.

As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more sophisticated security measures to safeguard our mobile payments further. With these robust security measures in place, mobile payments are a secure gateway to financial peace of mind.

This is where NabyPay can offer your business support. You can create and manage all your payments from a single app in your hands, enjoying the security of mobile payments along with competitively low transaction fees. Assure your customers that mobile payments are fully secure, and the transaction is as safe as possible.

Don't get left behind; embrace the future of payment apps.

To learn more about NabyPay and see how mobile payments can save you time and money today, visit nabypay.com.


The ever-increasing dominance of social connectivity and smartphones has revolutionised the fulfilment of financial transactions. Both large and small business owners are needing to adapt for a tech-savvy customer audience. Yet with the increasing dependency for online payments is the simultaneous increasing fear of fraud or security breaches.

Thankfully, the evolution of technology has introduced significant advancements in mobile payment security, ensuring that our financial information is well-protected.

Let’s explore how card payments apps offer high-end security measures.

  1. Encrypted Data
  2. Tokenized Information
  3. Biometric Authentication
  4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

1. Encryption: shielding your data from prying eyes

Encryption is a crucial security feature in mobile payments that shields your sensitive data from unauthorised access. When you make a mobile payment, the system translates your data into an unreadable format. This ensures that, even if intercepted by a security threat, the data remains unreadable.

Sophisticated encryption algorithms, like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), protect the communication between your device and the payment gateway. Additionally, your device stores the data and encrypts it, adding an extra layer of security.

2. Tokenization: replacing vulnerable data with tokens

Tokenization is another powerful security function for mobile payments. When you make a payment, the system replaces the actual financial data with a unique 'token' - a randomly generated string of characters. This token acts as a secret carrier for your sensitive information, making it useless to hackers.

People use tokens for transactions. The payment service provider securely stores your sensitive data in a token vault. Tokens are single-use and have no direct value. This means that they provide a robust defence against fraud and significantly reduce the risk of data breaches.

3. Biometric authentication: your unique identity as a key

Your biometric features, such as fingerprint, facial recognition, or iris scan, are unique to you - unlike passwords or PIN codes. Mobile payments increasingly use biometric authentication to ensure that only the authorised user can complete a payment.

Your device stores biometric data locally. By not sharing this data to external servers,  you are less vulnerable to data breaches. Plus, using Face ID or similar offers quick access for the user without the security compromise.

4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): an added safety net

MFA combines multiple layers of security to ensure that only legitimate users can access their payment accounts. MFA typically involves a combination of something you know (e.g., PIN or password), something you have (e.g., your mobile device), and something you are (e.g., biometric data).


By combining these various methods of security, MFA offers an enhanced safety net against unauthorised access and fraudulent transactions. If one security method is compromised, the other layers of security stay intact.

Since their introduction, mobile payments have come a long way, enabling you to make secure card payments wherever you are. Encryption, tokenization, biometric authentication, and MFA work in tandem to protect your financial information, ensuring that all transactions remain private and secure.

As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more sophisticated security measures to safeguard our mobile payments further. With these robust security measures in place, mobile payments are a secure gateway to financial peace of mind.

This is where NabyPay can offer your business support. You can create and manage all your payments from a single app in your hands, enjoying the security of mobile payments along with competitively low transaction fees. Assure your customers that mobile payments are fully secure, and the transaction is as safe as possible.

Don't get left behind; embrace the future of payment apps.

To learn more about NabyPay and see how mobile payments can save you time and money today, visit nabypay.com.

* Save up to 45% in Transaction Fees with NabyPay when comparing the Standard Rate of a Card Payment for both NabyPay (1.6% + 20p) and PayPal (2.9% + 30p).